
February 22, 2024 Personal Project

In January, I spent a few weeks in Thailand on my honeymoon. As always, I struggled thinking about what cameras and lenses to pack for the trip. I always want to be able to capture whatever I'm experiencing, but also wary of carrying too many things and turning a vacation into something less enjoyable by spending too much time and energy making photographs that take me out of the experience. It's a delicate balancing act. In the end, I probably should have brought another camera - my smaller GH5 with smaller lenses - but I wanted my full sized sensor! So it goes. I still made some fun photographs and had a really great time.

One of my favorite parts of my trip was doing my first underwater photography. I got PADI certified last summer, something that was long delayed thanks to COVID. It's been a lifelong goal and, as someone who lives by the ocean and loves water, a sensical thing to do and add to my business. It was a blast and gave me that high of a new photographer discovering how things work. I used this simple, old point-and-shoot camera my instructor provided, but I think I produced fun images with it despite its technical limitations. I've since gotten underwater housing for my own camera and am eager to get it out in the water to document things here in the Pacific Ocean. But back to this scuba diving - what an incredible array of creatures underwater. I watch octopuses settling an argument, schools of fish swimming around me. Jellyfish floating along or being torn apart by other hungry fish. There were so many things to see. I love the tranquility I feel on a dive and the beauty I'm surrounded by, and the warm Thai waters served up a lot of peace and beauty.

Here's an onslaught of images from my trip. Thanks for reading/looking!